View Full Version : Selling stock investments is where you actually make money but it’s more difficult to do right than

31st January 2022, 10:30 AM
https://img.etimg.com/photo/89196804.cms (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/invest/selling-stock-investments-is-where-you-actually-make-money-but-its-more-difficult-to-do-right-than-buying/articleshow/89196804.cms)The point is that most people sell when feel they have made enough money. You buy a stock, and when you feel it has risen as much as it is going to over whatever time period you are interested in, you sell it.

More... (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/invest/selling-stock-investments-is-where-you-actually-make-money-but-its-more-difficult-to-do-right-than-buying/articleshow/89196804.cms)