View Full Version : Career advice for the young: Your jobs will teach you these skills, lessons

4th April 2022, 09:15 AM
https://img.etimg.com/photo/90607221.cms (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/earn/career-advice-for-the-young-your-jobs-will-teach-you-these-skills-lessons/articleshow/90607221.cms)Allow the time for experiences to show how one is fitting in. Feedback is the critical input for achieving this. Most young employees obsess about being appreciated and applauded for what they do. Be aware of what you are doing and contributing to the collective effort.

More... (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/earn/career-advice-for-the-young-your-jobs-will-teach-you-these-skills-lessons/articleshow/90607221.cms)