View Full Version : 4 critical lessons of 2022 equity investors can use for the future

14th December 2022, 11:30 AM
https://img.etimg.com/photo/96216227.cms (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/invest/4-critical-lessons-of-2022-equity-investors-can-use-for-the-future/articleshow/96216227.cms)The broader lesson from 2022 is that macro events are always happening. Every year we will have a disaster at hand. This gives you short-term volatility but given the impossibility of timing them, the best is to focus on the long term and keep investing regularly.

More... (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/invest/4-critical-lessons-of-2022-equity-investors-can-use-for-the-future/articleshow/96216227.cms)