View Full Version : Double income taxation on sale, purchase of property: Will Budget 2023 provide relief?

31st January 2023, 09:16 AM
https://img.etimg.com/photo/97472015.cms (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/personal-finance-news/double-income-taxation-on-sale-purchase-of-property-will-budget-2023-provide-relief/articleshow/97472015.cms)Under the current income tax laws, if the difference between circle rate and actual sale price of property exceeds by 10% of circle rate, then both buyer and seller calculate and pay tax on the basis of the circle rate. This combined additional tax burden is between 40 and 60%. This is an unfair condition where market prices may actually be lower as compared to the circle rate.

More... (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/personal-finance-news/double-income-taxation-on-sale-purchase-of-property-will-budget-2023-provide-relief/articleshow/97472015.cms)