View Full Version : Know how much you need to pay to get the higher EPS pension, return you can earn

25th February 2023, 01:26 PM
https://img.etimg.com/photo/98227395.cms (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/plan/know-how-much-you-need-to-pay-to-get-the-higher-eps-pension-return-you-can-earn/articleshow/98227395.cms)It will be easier for you to decide whether to go for higher EPS or not on the basis of the total return your extra contribution will generate in its lifetime. However, various employment-related factors such as salary, growth in salary and gap in employment will vary for everyone, and this will determine the extent of pension and the additional fund required for the higher pension. So, a calculation will be only indicative and show some trends to help you make a better decision.

More... (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/plan/know-how-much-you-need-to-pay-to-get-the-higher-eps-pension-return-you-can-earn/articleshow/98227395.cms)